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Valid for Sitecore 5.3.2, 5.3.1
  The Sitecore File Systems
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Assuming the distributive was expanded to C:\InetPub\ProjectName, this folder will contain the following subfolders:

Directory: Purpose:
Databases Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Express Edition database files.
Databases/MSSqlServer2000 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database backup files.
WebSite Sitecore IIS document root.
WebSite/App_Config General configuration files and subdirectories.
WebSite/App_Config/SqlServer Microsoft SQL Server configuration files.
WebSite/bin Sitecore, custom and third-party .NET assemblies, spell-check dictionaries and miscellaneous system files.
WebSite/indexes Sitecore database indexes
WebSite/layouts Default directory for new layouts and sublayouts created in DeveloperCenter.
WebSite/sitecore Sitecore user interfaces.
WebSite/sitecore modules Used for Sitecore modules, third-party and custom code.
WebSite/sitecore/shell/Themes/Backgrounds Sitecore Desktop background images.
WebSite/sitecore/shell/Themes/Standard Royalty-free image library.
WebSite/temp Sitecore temporary folder for internal purposes (for instance, when a file is uploaded to the Media Library, it is put to this folder before it is converted to media stream)
WebSite/upload Default directory for media library (controlled by the /configuration/sitecore/sc.variable with the name attribute value mediaFolder).
WebSite/xsl Default directory for new XSL renderings created in DeveloperCenter.
Data Default location for Sitecore license.xml, SQLite databases as well as additional supporting system files and subdirectories.
Data/audit User activity audit logs.
Data/logs System activity logs.
Data/packages Sitecore packages folder
Data/viewstate Default viewstate implementation.

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